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Celeste Wroblewski

The blogosphere has a giant among us. Welcome!

Justyna Ciecwierz

Hi Dick,
It's so nice to read this post. I thought that you were drinking a lot of water to keep your brain so active. I wish you all the best in your healing process. Best regards for Marci.

Nick Corcodilos


So glad you've started a blog... Forget about milk - now you'll have a REAL addiction! ;-)

I look forward to your regular musings!

Your friend at Ask The Headhunter, Nick Corcodilos

Eric Wentworth

Hi. My name is Eric. And I'm a Milkoholic.

I've noticed my own previously slim waistline beginning to expand. I'm going to go on a 12-step program and eliminate (or at least cut down) my milk consumption.

Perhaps lemonade is the answer. I'm addicted to that too.

Glad to see you are blogging. Your wonderful sense of humor is fun to read.


Hi Dick,

Guess I'll be seeing less of you at MACCA! Glad this milk elimination has had a good health ripple effct.

Rowan Manahan

Hi, I'm Rowan and I'm a chocoholic. I love the stuff. Love it. Some people say they love chocolate, but they're only trifling with chocolate's affections. My feelings run a whole lot deeper than that.

I realised that maybe I had a problem when I noticed that I only have one phrase in my travel book - "Excuse me, can you please direct me to the nearest chocolate?" - in 47 different languages.

Now I feel I'm in good company. And doubly so now that you've joined the blogosphere. Thrilled to have you in my reader Dick, it makes the world feel a smaller and more manageable place.



Glenn Jones

Hi Dick, really enjoy reading your blog. Keep doing it!

Oh, I drink Rice Dream and love it!

Ann Bolles Johnson

Hi dearest brother:
You had some stories about your life which I never knew about. Dr.Nichol I well remember because he came to our home on Edgemont Place when I had that awful case of poison ivy. I want to figure how to print the stories out for my geneology notebooks.
I would love to see that new book.
Love, always to you
from you sister

Kathryn B. Palmer

Hello9! Its been many years but I am the Employment Mgr @ Fort Gordon. I am applying for Workforce Development with DOL and I wanted to write about the name of the Employment Organization on the West Coast and AJST which was the East Coast. Thank you and I will be reading more on-line too. I really enjoyed and learned from the workshop that the was provided with Army Personnel (civilian) and others. My home email address is below due to it being Saturday.



I had to give up my milk addiction at the age of 37. Went cold turkey like you did. I found it a more frustrating habit to break than when I gave up cigarettes in my 20's. I drink rice milk and plain soy milk mixed together.

Love your blog! God Bless!

Term Paper

This is such a great news, it really helps,Thanks for convey the message, i really didn't know about that,Thanks for share this.

delia ferrandino

Hi- I first had your book 40 years ago when I was 16- my older brother gave it to me. Of all the books I have read for pleasure or even for my MA in literature- your What Color is Your Parachute is my favorite book. It has such a volume of information in little digestable bites.
Now I pass it down to my daughter.

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